Thursday Thoughts-Let’s Talk About

1. How my legs are on fire. FIRE. I’ve been focusing on my legs during my workout this week and needless to say, they’re pretty mad at me for it.

2. There’s an airshow on base this weekend and the THUNDERBIRDS WILL BE THERE! I’m so excited that I may have purchased aviators for my littlest…



3. This beer…


does indeed taste like sticky toffee pudding. Or at least it tastes like what I think sticky toffee pudding would taste like. And you would think that could never work but somehow it does. Riddle me that.

4. I think I’m having Disney withdrawals. I seriously just want to go back. It truly is the most magical place on earth.


5. I’ve never been a dress person but for some odd reason….lately….I want to live in dresses meaning that I need to buy all the dresses. Because…why not?!

6. I play the new Luke Bryan spring break 6 on repeat. It makes me want to go the Caribbean or the keys and neither of those is a bad idea.

7. Speaking of music…have y’all seen Frozen yet?! I’m pretty sure I told you to do so immediately so if you haven’t…I’m gonna need you to go watch it. So so good. My kids are obsessed.

8. One of my absolute favorite little dudes (beside my boys) is turning 2. 2?!?!?! I remember when he was born. So soft and squishy. Happy early bday L!!!!


9. Speaking of birthdays…I cannot believe my daughter will be 8 this summer. Hold me.



One thought on “Thursday Thoughts-Let’s Talk About

  1. Grammie says:

    I envy u for the air show. U better take good care
    Of your legs and feet. They have to take u around
    For a long time!!!! Give the kids a kiss from me

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